it's great Capacities uses experiential grounding of notes and built timeline (calendar, date, time) into the core of the system!
– would be even greater if the second basic orientational system of our everyday is also included: space & place!
I know this is rather in the idea section as it's about a dimension rather than a simple function.
– but I remember DayOne, DevonThink, even some Evernote-apps implementing geo-reference (including map-view & find-in-map) to notes. and it adds a whole new level of meaning & practicability!
think of fotos from trips; think of different notes to the same place, or: area! think of geo-referencing information, think of, where have I taken that note... all that!
I think a) this would be super useful woth such a versatile, multi-use/-dimension joy as Capacities; and b) it would also fit Capacities philosophy as it simply mirrors / complements the whole thinking around time & dates.
please consider :-)