Unlinked Mentions
Steffen Bleher
capacities supporting you in creating links, including:
- unlinked references (suggesting in-text links if title matches your text, also for tags)
- suggestions of content on the side, similar to what you are working on (NLP, graph-based suggestions)
- duplicate detection
We have this on our roadmap and we know it can create immense value but we currently focus on more urgent topics. Feel free to share your ideas here.
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Steffen Bleher
Steffen Bleher
Unlinked mentions are part of the latest update. 🥳
You can read about it here: https://capacities.io/whats-new/release-45
If you are interested in "Smart link suggestions" it would be great if you could vote on this ticket and share your thoughts there: https://capacities.io/feedback/p/smart-link-suggestions-1
Guilherme Costa
Steffen Bleher I would suggest you also adjust the name here to Unlinked mentions, and at least mark "Smart link suggestions" as "Planned", since it appears on the AI Roadmap as a "near-term project" (under the name of Related content)
David Jaggi
I would like to be able to assign a tag to unlinked mentions. Similar for notes which I would like to simpy move from an unlinked mention to a linked mention. This probably only works with literal mentions which have not been linked.
Samir Lavingia
"suggesting in-text links if title matches your text, also for tags" this would fix my workflow! I often just send messages from WhatsApp and then have to spend time doing the linking later, and if there was just a "check the box" for linking names, places, etc. it would be great. I would pay for that feature!
Steffen Bleher
in progress
Steve Martinez
Steffen Bleher - yes!! this is the last thing missing from Capacities IMO. I cannot wait for this to be unleashed upon my notes.
Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Recent Links
Nick Lewis
When creating a link within an object ( i.e. typing [[ ), I am often linking to the same or a small set of other objects. It would be great if recent links were available so I don't have to traverse through confusing lists every time I link an object to another common object.
Marcela Carbo
+1 As a novelist I need a second brain to remind me of elements of my world, suggest connections, and spark ideas by the possible connections that are happy accidents of my subconscious.
Vandhira Liang
Hoping we can get this in the Free plan!
fingers crossed
Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
Virtual Text Link
David Satrio
Automatically generates links for text that matches other note titles. The idea was inspired by the Virtual Linker Obsidian plugin.
Michael S
Logseq does a good job at this: linked references & unlinked references
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