As a graphic designer, I have two UI suggestions. I'll talk about them in reference to the Object type views, but they could be extended to many views on the app.
  1. Make it clearer what Object type you are viewing
  2. Add more contrast to the typographic hierarchy, particularly the range of type sizes
Visually emphasize what Object type you are viewing.
When I am in an Object type dashboard, the first thing my eye should be drawn to is the name of the object type. When you click on the Page object type, for example, there are at least three different places that indicate you are looking at the Pages object type. (See numbered elements in the attached screenshot.) But none of them draws my eye.
My second recommendation follows from the first:
Add more contrast to the typographic hierarchy
. In particular, I would love to see a wider range of type sizes. On the Object type dashboard view, that range is 8px pixels between the smallest and largest text (see the other attached screenshot). If you take out the content previews — whose headers are awkwardly larger than the card titles — the range is only 4px. On the Wall view, that range is 2.5px.
For an app that is mostly black-and-white and uses very thin light lines to separate elements, you are making it challenging for your users to (1) know where they are in the app, and (2) find what they are looking for in the view.
Anyhow, I don't want to get too prescriptive (unless you want me to). I mostly wanted to point out that you have a very useful graphic design tool still hanging out in your toolbox.