Task action button no longer visible in mobile
in progress
Bruce Tuten
I’m not sure when this started but as of yesterday my task action button (the button next to a task to send it to my task manager) is no longer there. This is on iOS, both phone and tablet. They are both running version 1.44.30. I’ve tried rebooting my apps but that doesn’t fix it.
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Luca Joos
in progress
Sam Barillaro
Same issue here on Android running version 1.44.34
Luca Joos
under review
Thanks for reporting, we'll look into it.
Bruce Tuten
Luca Joos do you have an update on this? Would love this feature back on my iPad and iPhone.
Michael von Hohnhorst
Bruce Tuten: Hi there, the paper plane should show as soon as you focus the text within a todo-block. Should be shown like this in the latest version.
Can you confirm that you have an active subscription and task actions setup up in that space?
Bruce Tuten
Michael von Hohnhorst Hi, yes the paper airplane should show but it doesn't. I'm on version 1.45.22. I do have an active Believer subscription and I have task actions set up with Todoist. It works on the desktop and I assume the web. Just not iOS.
Michael von Hohnhorst
Bruce Tuten: Ok, thanks! Is the AI assistant showing in the middle of the bottom navigation bar (if it doesn't show, it would indicate that other Pro features are also not showing for you and the issue is not task-action specific)? A new version on iOS is shipping very soon. Hope that that version will fix it!
Bruce Tuten
Michael von Hohnhorst I do have the AI assistant showing.
Michael von Hohnhorst
Bruce Tuten: Thanks for the info!