Reorder and hide columns in table view
I'd like to be able to reorder the columns that are in the table view. I'd also like to be able to hide certain properties in table view but not when you get into the note. This would enable you to customize the table view to see what you want over a wide swath of notes.
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Pablo NP
It would be handy to make list view and table views customisable. Looking forward to it.
Gillian Barron
+1 to this, and adding the ability to move the "Collections" column which is currently locked in the far right of the table view.
Unknown User
There's no table view so far at all.
When you reorder the columns, you actually reorder the OBJECT property.
If you delete the column, you delete the OBJECT property.
It'd be great to have a separate table view that you can customize without touching object properties.
Also all columns can be resized.
But the one that I used as an author with link to another page cannot. It stays super wide and cannot get smaller.
Steffen Bleher
Michael Jasper
Happy to see this is planned - +1 for doing it soon. The standard table view has image column first which is useless for most of my content. Hopefully we'll be able to choose which columns and re-order the columns
Rick Clayton
This is BIG for me. Enough that I've thought about going back to Notion because of it. Makes the table view useless for me. Seems like it should have been designed to do this from the start tbh...
Jani Laatunen
Rick Clayton I feel the exact same way. It feels like I'm considering going back to Notion on a weekly basis at this point because this functionality that seems so obvious is missing.
Ven Popov
- let us sort or filter by clicking on columns in table view
- navigate and select rows/cells with the keyboard
Greg Corliss
How is it this is not possible yet and been sitting here for so long? It's a very basic feature. Should be VERY easy to implement.
Kire 12
You can reorder columns, unless it's a built-in object type (like Tags and Images) or if it's the Collections column. I would like to be able to reorder these, as well as hide columns in certain views/queries.
Laurent Gaulhiac
ComComingming from Notion, it's one of the first things I searched for "how to hide columns in the table view?"... Sadly it seems that we can only delete... I was thinking that it will be possible to create custom queries where we can edit columns but tabthe tablele view seems limited there too.
Damian Dessler
Oh yes, the table view is nice, but without having the ability to hide fields that I don't need is pointless. And I guess its a low-hanging fruit.
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