Please improve using the keyboard (arrow keys) to move through text
Marjan Venema
I'm a keyboard addict. Partly because my wrists and fingers don't like working with a mouse.
Using the cursor keys to move through text on a page, is highly frustrating.
For example, the text cursor disappears when using the down arrow reaches the end of a bulleted list.
Another: using the down arrow often moves the cursor to the end of the last line in a paragraph/block before moving to the next paragraph/block. This is unexpected and breaks my flow.
Third: Using the right arrow at the end of a paragraph/block does not move to the beginning of the next paragraph/block. Analogously, using the left arrow at the beginning does not move to the end of the previous.
There are other examples, but the above are what I've experienced most frequently.
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Ben Chinn
Biggest pain point for me is the inability to fill out properties in a new object with the keyboard. Instead I meed to click on each one to focus on it. Being able to tab through the property fields would shave a lot of time off object creation.
Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Scrolling down the page with arrow key does not work
Unknown User
when there is a long checklist on the page and one starts to scroll down using down arrow key the page does not move along with cursor. only way to move page is by using mouse scroll wheel.
Oliver Kühle
This is such a standard interaction, that needs to be added.
Especially as Capacites supports various keyboard shortcuts, I find it very frustrating to be forced to use my mouse for scrolling.
Justin Kroes
To illustrate the insanity of arrow navigation, I tested it and summarized the current behavior:
With the up arrow key:
- For single line blocks, navigates to the end of the line
- For multiline blocks navigates to the end of the last line in the block, then to the position directly above on the previous line
With the down arrow key:
- For single line blocks, navigates to the beginning of the line
- For multiline blocks after the beginning of the final line, navigates to the end of the line
The exception to this is when navigating down into a block below, then to this block's second or lower line, then up again. When you navigate up from the second line, the cursor skips the first line and jumps to the end of the final line in the block above.
- This behavior does not apply if you navigate into the block from below
- You can circumvent it by typing the right arrow once on the second line before the up arrow
Steffen Bleher
Mike PVB
I find the current implementation for using the ESC key quite annoying.
When I am editing text in a block and then press the ESC key, the editor highlights the entire block. That can sometimes be handy. When I press the ESC again the highlight is undone but the cursor does not return to its previous location in the text, as I expected. Instead it just disappears completely. The cursor keys then just control the scroll bars. Pressing the ESC key again after that does nothing else. It's a one way street ;-) To continue editing, you have to manually position it again with the mouse in the text.
While editing, it would be better to have the ESC key toggle between the active cursor position in a block and highlighting that block.
I know this won't be easy because after initially pressing ESC the highlighted selection can be moved and expanded with the cursor keys. But it should be possible.
Marjan Venema
Yay that it's in progress. Just added a related request:
Roger Wong
I've been using computers and Macs specifically for decades. One thing that has always been consistent is using the down arrow key to get to the end of the line of the last line. Example: In the textarea input where I'm typing this now, if my insertion cursor is in the middle of the first line, hitting the down arrow key twice will get me to the middle of the third line. Hitting the down arrow key once more will get me to the end of the third line. I use this method probably dozens of times a day. It needs to be in Capacities.
Matias Bertani
Any update on selecting text in different blocks together on the same page with keyboard only using shift+arrow (up/down) ???
William Calderipe
Great to read that you folks are focusing on improve the keyboard navigation. As a keyboard maniac, that makes me really happy as a user.
Aside from what was already mentioned in the thread, I have two additional feedback to share:
- Enable keyboard navigation in the delete modal (image 1). Arrow keys to navigate between the button options, and Enter to select. Expected: it would be great if the modal always opened with a focus on the most used option, and we can quickly press Enter to confirm it.
- Keyboard up and down navigation skips webpages displayed as link blocks ( Expected: up and down navigation doesn't skip webpages. Also, if the cursor is on top of a webpage, Enter should open the page.
Keep up the good work 💪
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