Pin and Unpin to Dashboard option to show/hide Collections on the left side Navigation
Kuntal Go
Just like Queries can be Pinned or Unpinned from Dashboard and so they are either shown or removed under Object in the left navigation panel, similarly, having such option for Collection to show/hide under Object in navigation left side panel can help with customization.
When I use a lot of keywords to create many collections then as it shows all of them by default, so it looks very messy.
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Steffen Bleher
Thanks for sharing, this is part of the latest release. You can read about all changes of the latest release here:
Kuntal Go
Steffen Bleher 馃檹馃檹馃檹 Thank you so much, I am grateful to you and team for considering this request.
Steffen Bleher
Kuntal Go
Steffen Bleher Thank you Steffen. Now I can get a more streamlined navigation tree while still accessing all my Collections through Dashboard. Thank you for taking this up.