Luca Joos
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Allow aliases for titles
Leandro Ardissone
In Logseq you can have a property called
that it can be used for search for pages. So for example you have a coworker which nickname is "Mike" but real name is "Michael Scott", you can refer in notes as Mike, but in the Person object it's displayed with his real name.D
Daan Debie
This idea is called "Page aliases", but I'm looking for aliases for all object types
Oleksandr Zalishchuk
That would be really helpful. Please, implement it.
Yonatan Tepperberg
Yeah this is definitely necessary for me to keep my notes clean and readable
Peter Ambrus
+1 for this feature.
Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
Create an Alias (name) in Capacities
Brad Hawkins
Not sure if this has been mentioned (I couldn't find it) but it would be helpful (particularly when writing) to be able to use Aliases instead of the Object (Person's) name.
I believe that this can be done in a number of other Note based systems. So instead of using "Joe Blow" in sentences, I could use "Dad" or "Father".
For example, instead of typing: "went to the park with Joe Blow" it would read "I went to the park with Dad".
That's a really lame example, but I gather that gets the idea across. It makes writing more natural, whilst still referring and referencing to the Object (in the case above, one's Father).
Maybe there's already a solution or workaround, but I am not experienced enough in Capacities to recognise or suggest one.
Welton Stone
This is probably the single thing that's keeping me from switching to capacities and becoming a paying customer. I use Obsidian in academic contexts.
Chris R
A surprisingly critical feature if you need to take notes on lots of people, or deal with technical naming. Please add this soon.
KB Yeo
Would love to see this. I have nicknames for lots of stuff, and it would be great to be able to use them in my notes.
Roc Guiducci
I also would appreciate this feature. Coming from Obsidian and running a Zettelkasten, it's extremely useful to be able to create aliases, especially where concepts show up across multiple notes/zettels.
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