OR or AND tag query
Janet Mees
When picking a couple of tags in the tag set tag query, result seems to only display an OR search, I thought this was going to display an AND search, I can't find where to do this. Is it possible?. To have OR and AND searches on tags would be great. Guessing it is probably in the pipline, or do I need to request this?. Thanks for this lovely app..... UPDATE after messing around with queries have found that can do this with objects if the object itself has been tagged, what I am trying to do is search blocks of text with 2 particular tags, ie a page about medications and their doses/contra-indications etc, eg- want to be able to search for only blocks that I have tagged 'Metformin' and 'dose', I just can't find a way to do it!
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Janet Mees
Thank you :)
Steffen Bleher
This is part of the latest update! :) You can read about it here: https://capacities.io/whats-new
Michael Jasper
Steffen Bleher Hi - it appears that this option is only available in queries. If I type a tag name in a search box, I can choose only one tag. If I go into Extended search, and put in a tag name, I'll get results that include that string in tags and text, but I still can't select multiple tags unless I create a query. If I go to options from Extended Search, I get Edit Query. If I select the 3 dots next to a particular tag in search results, I see a choice "Select Multiple" - but it turns out this is for batch actions, not for selecting multiple tags as search criteria.
More generally, I don't understand the difference between creating a query and an extended search. If I create an extended search and select options, I end up in Edit Query and see the first screen below - so Extended Search seems to just create a limited query.
If I create a new query directly, I see the second screen below.
If I select Search query from the query types, I get the third screen - which seems to just add an extra section called Matching which only allows logical OR - whereas the tag section has Or and AND.
Overall, searching feels overcomplicated. It's never clear to me which of these mechanisms to use to accomplish what I want. I recognize that the coding may not be simple, but instead of several different pre-configured dialogs like this, it would be so much more intuitive (to me, at least) to be able to have extended search allow you to enter a series of parameters connected by And or OR, such as:
(Tag= Tag1 OR Tag=Tag2) AND Object=Meeting AND Attendee = Bob Smith without worry about whether the parameter is an object type, a property or a tag.
Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Show content tagged with both tagA + tagB
Markus Smet
I want to be able to view content that has two tags, not all content with either.
Is this really a feature request, or a bug? It seems so fundamental, I wonder if I am just not understanding something. Given I have 5 sentences with both "tagA, tagB" and 10 sentences with "tagB" only, When I try to set up a filter query for sentences that have BOTH "tagA" and "tagB", I get ALL 15 sentences. So far, this I understand and take the next step to show only the 5 sentences with both tags.
So, when I use the "and" filter feature, then I have zero results. I was expecting to then see 5 sentences with both tags.
Steffen Bleher
in progress
Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Support 'AND' Queries for Blocks in Tag Filtering
Krishnaswamy Subramanian
Currently, the tag filtering for blocks only supports "OR" queries, which limits the ability to filter blocks with multiple tags using "AND" logic.
This feature is essential for users who need precise filtering of blocks tagged with specific criteria such as "pending," "important," and "urgent."
The same functionality exists for objects, but blocks remain restricted.
OS: macOS on Apple Silicon
Browser: Safari
Platform: Issue occurs across all platforms, not specific to the operating system or browser.
Michael Jasper
+1 as well. I had the same experience - figured out eventually I could do it via object query if the tags were on the object. Exactly the same use case though - ad hoc search of just tags with ability to combine and/or/not - basic boolean logic. Either via interface - as in the illustration below - or just typing in expression directly.
Ideally, I would type something like:
(Tag 1 and (Tag 2 or Tag 3) ) and not Tag 4
and I'd have the option to search any combination of objects or blocks.
If block search pulled up the whole object instead of just the block, that would be okay as long as I could find objects where the tags are applied just to the block.
Evan Ashba
+1 to this. Tags are a huge part of my workflow and the ability to quickly filter by multiple tags on an object is important to me. I'm not sure how useful an OR search is. I'd expect searching by multiple tags would give me more specificity, not less.
I can create the search I need via the filter builder but this takes wayyy to long for an on-the-fly search. A setting somewhere to control whether the quick search filtering behavior is AND or OR would be very helpful!