No automatic scroll when typing
in progress
Mike Whitman
When typing text and you reach the bottom of a window, the window does not scroll and you cannot see your typed text unless you scroll manually.
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Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Auto Scroll Page Capabilities
Barveen Kumar
Every time when I click enter or start typing sentences at the very edge of the page layout the screen is not scrolling up automatically. So, I have to manually scroll the screen on my desktop app. In mobile app, the sentences are hiding behind the keyboard layout. It might look like a small improvement, but it can be a very good user experience factor. Check with Google docs on how the page will get auto scrolled at the very end of the layout when we continue to type.
in progress
We'll look into it, thanks for reporting!
Phil Hawkshaw
Steffen Bleher shouldn't this be categorised as a bug? :-) . It's pretty standard behaviour.
Steffen Bleher
Mike Vittiglio
How in the world is this still an issue?
David Morgan
Literally one of the most annoying things about Capacities, and probably one of the easier fixes. Really wish they'd stop developing and adding new features and use a Sprint or two to go back and fix all the quirks/bugs/issues
Johannes Gronimus
Yes please!
YQ Teh
Currently I'm doing 'Page-Down' when coming to the End of Screen. But this seriously needs to be resolved ASAP
Courtney Chapman
THIS! Came here to see if I was the only one having this issue. Agree that this is a small detail but very annoying to have to constantly pause typing to manually scroll/see what you're writing. As someone who types very quickly and values the speed of an intense brain dump or focused note-taking, it interrupts the flow...extra swipes add up in time! Thank you for all you've done so far with the app Steffen Bleher
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