Finn Kanestrøm
Yes, give us mind map! �
Michael Oh
This would be a very helpful feature and could use the toggle and hierarchy to organize and represent the data in the normal view, but in a mindmap view, display the same data but on a canvas. Even an endless canvas would be nice... Multiple groupings of objects could be presented. Objects next to objects (i.e., multiple mindmaps on the same canvas). Multiple mindmaps could be in the normal view collections of pages... I really liked Antonio Lopardo's post on jsoncanvas.org!
Mat Rhein
The best implementation of this would be in Obsidian: a drawing board that can link notes and serve as a structure layout program for workflows. In the best case, organization is aided by grid and object-specific guides that make precise alignment, spacing, and sizing possible.
Jonny Cohen
Excalidraw is absolutely awesome! I don't know what I'd do with myself if Capacities could build or integrate this 😂
Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
Mind Maps
Aditya Kumar
Pls add the feature to make mind maps or just enable to convert the headings and sub headings into mind maps
Tony Linde
Mindmaps seem like a huge investment in development time. How about integration with an existing mindmap app like SimpleMind Pro. Where, maybe, having created a mindmap, you could click on nodes and create them as object types, pages etc; click on subnodes to create objects or add properties, tags etc to objects. Or whatever.
Tony Linde
Hmm. Still sounds like a lot of work.
Unknown User
Mindmap please!
Marctwain Carpenter
Voting for mind map capability.
Adriana Bamberger
Yes! Just a basic tool that lets you draw out maps or hand written notes! don't have to be fancy with color just black, thickness adjustable pen input capable and stored like a block on a page just like text etc'
A infinite canvas would be great! it would be amazing if when you clicked on a block and turned it into a pen input block it open up larger pop up screen for the canvas ready to draw in.
Mike Howlett
Would be a killer feature. Sometimes you need to display subsets of objects with spatial relationships. Would use for novel planning, session planning for gamemastering RPGs, product design... you name it.
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