Merge Items and Tags
David Jaggi
I have created some objects which are very similar or tags which cover the same area. It would be good if we can merge the tags, items to a single one. The content of a page could then just be appended.
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Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Merge two objects
Mat Rhein
After selecting two Objects of the same type, I am missing the option to merge them into one. Example is two entries for People that refer to the same person.
Unknown User
Secon that: I don't know why, but I have multiple tags despite being the same (aka: #news and #news as different tags in the tag list) and have no idea how this happens (...and, yes, I checked for blanks at the start and end.... but there weren't any). It would be VERY helpful if there was an easy way to merge these "same" tags.
You can measure the usefullness by looking at the download figures for the "tag handler" plugin for Obsidian ;-)
Chris Maffeo
I have the same, very annoying issue
vision assemblies
I just noticed, this belongs in here, to…
sorry for late coming ☺️
Justin McDaniel
I would also like to add that merging AI Assistant objects would be immensely useful. Oftentimes I start an AI conversation and realize that I already have a past conversation that is very similar.
Steffen Bleher
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Bug? two pages with the same name show up as different results and do not merge
Nicholas Cheung
If I create two pages with different names but late change one of the pages to the same name as the other page, those two pages with the same name would show up as separate search results - they should merge into the same page (or at least alert the user that a page with the same name has been created)
Please also consider a "Duplicate Object/Page" warning to the application. As you create a lot of data in the application, it's somewhat painful to have to use a workflow of: 1. Search for does the item exist. 2. Create a new item. It's also too easy to create duplicates. It would be much better in my opinion, for the app to display a prompt asking if you want to add to the existing item or create a new one. This would be in addition to providing the ability to merge items.
The "warning" would only be for duplicates of the same object type. E.g. the warning would not trigger if you have a band name object and an album name object with the same title.
Steffen Bleher
Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
Tags can be easily duplicated
Piotr Z
Tags can be easily duplicated when you add them on a page - just type the same tag multiple times and always select "create new tag" option. They can even get the same color, so they are then indistinguishable.
Steffen Bleher
Valid point, we were discussing this as well. Auto-merge capability would be great. I'll merge it in the merge items ticket. Thanks for sharing!
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