Media annotations and smart media features
Steffen Bleher
Add comments and link entities from media
- highlight text in PDFs and link content
- add comments to Audio and Video at a certain time
- add comments to images at specific coordinates
Additional features:
- speech-to-text translation
- entity and text recognition in images
- ...
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Mike Puglin
Not a fan of this...huge effort for little use (how many people will be using this?)... Do the devs actually track usage of features they release?
There are over 2500 people requesting simple task management (myself included)... why would this objective be ranked higher? (I am presuming that these items are stack ranked)
vision assemblies
Mike Puglin The question is an interesting one – but should be more contextualized than a simple vote count, IMO.
I am also in favor of some kind of systematic feedbacking between development and use – even more specifically use cases or even more specifically some set of defined domain requirements. (Which would have to be defined beforehand, of course)
But certainly there are other criteria at play / w/ legitimacy than pure and broadband user votes. Like vision of devs/team, bussiness + market considerations, balancing-off of features + feature-development (building a coherent architecture) etc.
Also, I think it is good to recognize there have been discussions here and in forums about this. Also worthwhile to acknowledge: Capacities has explicitly started out to solve the problem of personal knowledge management and notetaking, not as a task app. Then, while things can be bend in different directions on the go / while growing, the problem of feature bloat is a real one, – and has 'killed' (in some ways) different precious apps. Also to factor in here: the whole initial success of Capacities is strongly based on its special handling of media within its system (differentiating it from Obsidian, and some respect Notion et al) – so, with regards to legacy trail it makes total sense to keep and build on that strength… etc. etc.
So, I am all for taking into consideration actual use (esp in some real scenario + domain specific contexts) – but it´s not as easy as just counting votes in one forum and leaving everything to subjective demand of an anonymous user base…
… at least in some more 'value driven' projects this can´t be the sole / isolated measure
[I leave out 'stack ranking' here, which is not the only game in town, and especially in quality and creativity conscious contexts has it´s different challengers… safe to not automatically 'assume' it´s the protocol used in Capacities… (if there is one :-) ) ]
Please add the ability to annotate YouTube videos, as in RemNote using AI. This is their new feature, it's awesome to explore. There is an opportunity to view lectures in fragments, after which the AI generates control questions and answers based on the viewed material. This will allow you to instantly save literary notes from YouTube videos. Having such a feature in Capacities is priceless!
Estin Underscore
Also will it finally be possible to overwrite / replace items?
Dobby Dee
- Highlighting, moving highlight to notes and linking it back to document.
- epub support
Spence Maurice
Allowing written annotations on PDFs with Apple Pencil would be immensely helpful!
zf gfzfgs
That would be great for PDFs as well. If you add this and collaboration features, I'll become a paying user again. Take inspiration from Logseq and their system of referencing specific parts of a PDF for example.
Den Walterfang
AI could automatically gererate a summary for each Knowledge Item (KI)? Or label any KI automatically.
Media is a broad term. How about support for email so that a(ny) document can be emailed to be included (with attachments) as a KI?
And I agree: an audio record function would be most welcome, especially with STT. That alone would make me a Pro subscriber in a heartbeat. And AI generated summary and labeling would be icing on the cake.
PS: I also uploaded something but was unable to play it back: MP3 on Android app.
Aldinei Bastos
I just uploaded a mp4 video but I am not able to play it
Luca Joos
Aldinei Bastos: We do not support video files as a separate media type and therefore they cannot be played in Capacities.
Rafael Monteath
Audio recording button, like Obsidian
Martin Butler
PDF highlighting would be brilliant
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