Linux Desktop App
in progress
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Mateus Alves
Great to see that the Linux Desktop App is in progress, if you're looking for some testers I'd love to help. I'll make a nix package for it as soon as its released
Steffen Bleher
in progress
Sparsa Rochowdhury
Steffen Bleher Great to see that Linux app is in progress. Can wait to use it instead of the webapp.
Maximilian Canez Fernandes
Steffen Bleher Excellent news!!! You are going to get a lot of new users with this feature. If possible, try to package it as .deb, .appimage, Flatpak and Snap. Hope to see it running soon.
Illia S
+1 for Linux up
Wil Taylor
Yeah would be excited to get a linux app. Happy to help test any rough edges.
Alan Hamilton
If you are looking for beta testers for the linux app I can provide both Fedora and Ubuntu machines to test on.
Maximilian Canez Fernandes
Alan Hamilton I can try Capacities on Debian.
Christoph Wigbels
would also love this, hopefully a flatpack so it would be usable for all linux Distros.
Steffen Bleher
Steffen Bleher
Geert-Jan Bogaerts
Steffen Bleher This is really good news - very happy that a Linux app is going to be on the roadmap. Thank you for this!
Eduardo Sebastián Castro Quispe
Steffen Bleher ¡That is great! Many of my computer science colleagues wanted this.
Matt Wells
Yes please! I've been bouncing back and forth between Notion and Capacities, not really knowing what I'll commit to.
If I could get a native app, that should wrap up all questions. My work doesn't permit internet access in some locations, being able to still use the app would be key.
Eduardo Sebastián Castro Quispe
I agree.
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