Improve: Remove empty objects
Alex Hayward
If I create a new query, begin editing it, but then decide I don't want to create it any longer, I am unable to just exit with the escape key. I get warnings about there being unsaved changes. I should be able to dismiss this dialogue box and exit out of the new query easier than this.
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Michael von Hohnhorst
in progress
We'll add an improvement so empty queries are removed when the dialog is closed ("cancel" query creation).
This is now fixed with the latest update, thanks for reporting!
Michael Jasper
michael_v_h Hi - you can exit the dialog with ESC now but it saves the untitled query even if you did nothing. So if I click New Query and then hit ESC without choosing anything, I will now have an untitled query with nothing selected that I need to delete. I would prefer simple Save/Cancel functionality.
Michael Jasper: Good point, will be added. Thanks for the feedback!
Luca Joos
in progress
This will be fixed with the upcoming update!
Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Can't exit certain modal popup windows
Michael Jasper
I've found a few places where I want to back out or cancel something and simply cannot do that. Here's an example: if I start to create a query and change my mind, there is no way to exit this dialog (On windows 11 using the Windows App). I can't click outside the dialog, I can't hit Esc and there is no window close X, no cancel, no Close. I have to go forward and create a query and then delete it.
Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
No escape from edit query popup
Felix Seibert-Daiker
If you are in the query item section and you click on a query, there comes the pop up window in which you can select what kind of query you want to build. But there is no possibility to close the window again, i always have to hit command R to reload. Using Mac Os X Desktop Version
Hi Alex, thanks for the feedback. Would you prefer your unsaved changes to be deleted in that case?
Alex Hayward
michael_v_h good question - I think I’d expect the changes to remain there if I had already made them