Import via Drag & Drop
under review
David Jaggi
Ability to simply drag and drop items from my local drive into capacities to import the content.
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Rob Hill
Fully concur. Having to open an image in Preview, then copy, then paste into Capacities is clumsy and tedious.
Franklin Eisenhower
For me it works with copy the image and paste it into the page on Mac. But simply making a screenshot and drag it into the page doesn't work for me on Mac. Kind of slows down my workflow a bit, because I'm used to make screenshots and put it into my Notion page.
Phil Hawkshaw
Agree. There are too many steps to attach a file to a page or object. Just allow drag and drop direct in.
Peter Alenius
I would love to be able to drag and drop e-mails from my e-mail client (eM Client in my case).
Steffen Bleher
under review
Damian Morales
Steffen Bleher: Curious to know if there are any updates on this, as this would greatly speed up my workflow in many ways.
Example: Taking screenshots and download resources referenced on a Zoom calls. The ability to quickly drag and drop to the meeting note in real time versus having a pile-up in the downloads folder after 5 meetings and needing to import each file one by one.
Steffen Bleher
Damian Morales: You can already now use copy paste. Either in a page (copy image and paste it into your text) or using the command palette (open Cmd+P and then paste). This also works with multiple files.
Steffen Bleher
You can already drag and drop images, pdfs, etc into a text field in capacities and it will automatically be added.
Are you thinking about dropping a markdown file that automatically gets transformed into text, etc?
David Jaggi
Steffen Bleher: Ah now I see, that was not obvious. Would it be possible to do this without first selecting a text area? It would also be cool to simply drag and drop i.e. PDFs into a database on the side panel so a similar behaviour to my local file system.
Phil Hawkshaw
Steffen Bleher: This doesnt work for me on the Mac. I have to do a /image or /pdf and drag the file into the dialog box. If the intent is to be able to drag straight into an object then there is a bug.
Damian Morales
Steffen Bleher Would love the ability to drag markdown and text files into Capacities and have them automatically transformed into text within the app!