As I user I want to be able to perform any action that is possible in the ui via the command pallette. Think how it works in VSCode for example. Right now actions are very limitted in the pallete. When an obejct is selected, I want to be able to change its view, transform it, move it, copy a reference to it, change font, etc. Some of these are available in the Action panel, but not all and some of them don't have shortcuts. I also have to remember what the shortcut for the item in the aciton panel is. Why have separate action panel and command pallete? It would be best to just have the command pallette, which gives you control over any action you can perform by clicking a menu somewhere. It's about consistency - to not have to remember and make a decision how to accomplish some action.
Right now there are way too many actions that I as a mostly keyboard user cannot perform with just the keyboard. Some big ones
open an object in a block (in any way - preview, new page, sidebar). Currently have to click with the mouse and use a modifier key before clicking to select how to open it.
expand an embeded object (have to click on the > wiht the mouse)
use a template after creating a new object (click on the template)
operations on the current page (not block) - tag, put into collection, assign properties - none of that is possible without a mouse