Event content type (Calendar Integration)
in progress
Tarun Juluru
It would be great to see calendar events as part of daily notes and the ability to take notes accordingly. I believe for most of them this makes daily notes experience complete.
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Luca Joos
Hi everyone, sorry for the confusion yesterday!
We sent an update out that incorrectly pushed the Alpha version of Calendar which is not ready for testing. It’s great to hear that the set up was smooth and that it’s such an awaited feature in the community! But we have bugs to fix that will absolutely impact long-term use, so we had to roll this back.
When it’s ready for the Beta phase, Believers will get access to this first. After the Beta phase, it will go out to Pro users. We think Feburary is a resonable target for the Beta phase, depending on how the bug fixing goes.
This update also had some critical freezing bugs for some users, that’s why we had to force an update. We don’t like to do this because we know it interrupts your work, so we only do it when we absolutely needed.
Sorry again!
Yashank Varshney
Luca Joos cant believe I missed it lol! Waiting dearly for the pro release!
Aaron Bach
As someone who has been _patiently_ waiting for this basic integration for far too long, I just want to share how disappointing it was to have it show up in the app long enough to start using it, and then have it taken back. I'm positive there were good reasons, but it's year of waiting and constant delays for critical functionality that turn people off hard.
Jonathan Cahill
In the latest release notes:
Calendar Integration
Calendar integration are ready to be tested!
You can finally test the calendar integrations! 🎉
Is this available somehow/somewhere? I am a believer.
Without calendar integration...it's just another note taking tool for me. Graphic connection between items is great idea but till calendar isn't in place I'm staying with Clickup
Brad Hawkins
Can't wait to see what this integration brings to Capacities. I have used several other platforms with Google Calendar integrations and they work fairly well.
Tana does a good job of the calendar integration, but, it does duplicate events and appears multiple times and this becomes confusing when trying to link notes to events. AmpleNote and Reflect also do decent jobs of linking notes to events.
Probably the most important aspect is that when an event is a meeting, one can make notes and tie it all back to a Project.
Anyway, I am hoping that Capacities brings out a really awesome integration so that Calendar Events become more useful in Capacities.
David Harks
Huge upvote for CalDAV support, and I love the Event object-type idea as well!
Daniel Shirley
I just got a Tana invite, and one thing I saw immediately that was amazing was its calendar integration. Not only did it connect to my google calendar, but it also pulled names out of the meeting invite and automagically added them to their version of the People object. Talk about frictionless. This definitely isn't a must-have feature, but being able to automate mundane tasks like that in Capacities would be fantastic.
Mittul Desai
Steffen Bleher - I understand this is a large feature that might take some time to ship. But in the meanwhile, can we get some insight into what scope is being planned for the initial release? This has the potential to strongly change the workflow of the daily note and would be great to have some insight into the same.
Meji Pham
i dont know why calendar is consider as Pro only. must have feature for any user
Aaron Bach
Back again for my quarterly check in for this functionality. I've been doing this check in for about 2 years now and I couldn't be more excited to start using Capacities fully with this update. As nice as a two way sync would be, all I need is the ability to quickly see my events in Capacities and take notes on them. Over 50% of my note taking is based around calendar events. I appreciate all the work that the team has put in, but as a believer this has been a _long_ time coming.
Robbin Christianson
Aaron Bach Great point on the priority of seeing events for the purpose of notes. I agree that two-way sync is not essential.
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