Dollar sign after a space should not create a Latex block
in progress
Richard Kim
If I paste something that has multiple dollar signs in it, Capacities will always create a Latex block. For example, I pasted $40 for this option and $50 for this option
and it creates: [40 for this option and ]50 for this option
where the square brackets represent the Latex block
Desired change: only create a latex block if the last dollar sign does not follow a space or newline
Another desired change: when removing latex styling, the $ signs should be put back in
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Steffen Bleher
in progress
Chris Burbridge
Yes, this is crazy, because every time I have a dollar sign in my markdown pasted to Capacities (which I paste many times a day), I get something like this.
Luca Joos
Thanks for reporting. You can use the 'Ctrl+Shift+V' ('Cmd+Shift+V') shortcut to paste as plain text. We will discuss whether the dollar signs should be re-inserted automatically or not.