often one ends up writing a note on a date that is not the relevant date in view of PKM / Journaling
– for these cases there should be a way to change / adapt 'creation dates'.
this is a problem known to anyone doing photo management, but also real journalling, or more to the point: people treating time as a relevant dimension in their PKM (see also 'Bringing the time dimension to the next level' @ https://capacities.io/roadmap/whats-next).
besides the practical question (need to adapt relevant date for structure / findability etc.), this question seems to interface w/ questions of general (future) Capacities-architecture at least at two levels:
the calendar
is the only place which globally registers – in a very helpful way / structure / UI! – entries automatically on the basis of their date, their 'creation date' that is, up to now… a situation that also
affords a lot of relevance / weight on the 'daily entries'
– to really use / leverage this most helpful layer of Capacities one depends on creation date; – … which underlines why it would be so important to be able to modify this, or have any alternative kind of control over this structure (that is,
in the way the automatic + global registering based on timestamps
takes place)
–… this also introduces some kind of ambivalency on the calendar already, as it mixes 'creation date' with 'journalling date'; a situation that gets even more tricky as soon as one also considers timeline-knowledge etc.
2) so, this also brings up again the
question of differences between database / file time, journalling and other – essential – time-based logics of PKM, like timelines
. (see also 👉 https://capacities.canny.io/feedback/p/timeline-view-for-databases-historical & https://discord.com/channels/940596022344843336/969304624848855050/1210505489423802418)
– this kind of modification is exactly neccessary where users are forced to chose btw. database/file-time and other time-stamp logics relevant to journalling & knowledge management. so, e.g., currently the daily note carries all the weight, if one wants to have some kind of timeline representation (as there are no other ways for automated timelining)
so, this is both:
– a specific request 🙂
– a contribution (potentially) to the question of 'bringing the time dimension to the next level', and what that really could mean 😊