Bulk import from md and other apps
Steffen Bleher
Upload a zip folder of markdown files to capacities.
- upload as a specific type and use front matter content to determine type and set properties
- upload to a specific space
Maximize data integrity from other apps as best as possible. Requested apps:
- Notion
- Obsidian
- Roam
- Logseq
- RemNote
Supported syntax:
- #hashtag for tags
- front matter properties try to match to properties of type
- tags in front matter
- if front matter specifies a type try to match that to a capacities type
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Greg Farrow
+1 RemNote
Gandalf Saxe
+1 for Obsidian, but that is really just plain text and nothing fancy. I suppose the Obsidian-challenge would be make sure that all media attachments are also correctly imported into Capacities. I’d love if some good thought was put into flexible support for metadata / properties syntax.
Are Mjølsnes
Francis Harvey
Add an option to add metadata to selected imported files?
Lisden Day
Also with .csv if you can.
Aaron Bach
Someone should do a case study on this one. Start by naming any other note taking or pkm app that doesn't allow for note import this far into it's existence. Then pivot the study to identify what Capacities must have done right along the way to not scare everyone off without the ability to import anything.
Eric Jaeggli
I'd be fine with uploading to a specific space.
Eric Jaeggli
Mac Ampur
Notion - Evernote - Anytipe
Joe Parkinson
id be happy with csv upload or whatever. i just need a way to upload all my notes. its a major blocker from adopting capacities. One way you cold do this, is offer the ability to convert table objects into multiple objects, that way its an ongoing benefit, and it's easy to load data in from other sources as tables
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