Bulk import from md and other apps
Steffen Bleher
Upload a zip folder of markdown files to capacities.
- upload as a specific type and use front matter content to determine type and set properties
- upload to a specific space
Maximize data integrity from other apps as best as possible. Requested apps:
- Notion
- Obsidian
- Roam
- Logseq
- RemNote
Supported syntax:
- #hashtag for tags
- front matter properties try to match to properties of type
- tags in front matter
- if front matter specifies a type try to match that to a capacities type
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Andrei Semenov
Brian Kennedy
Obsidian and Day One please
Martin Ho
obsidian and DSnote
Olberto Ashton
Integrate with Nebo please.
Of all handwriting recognition apps Nebo is the best. On a different level. But it's a writing app, not an organiser. Integrating / exporting notes from it into Capacities would be a dream
Kassandra Spartakas
+ 1 to Notion - I have trouble to import things from Notion due to lack of import option
Dani Balcells
+1 for Obsidian
Francisco Castro
Can't switch to Capacities until Obsidian direct import is ready
Taigi Lin
Function needed: Importing from space to space, and importing notes from other apps with tags or properties. I tried coping notes from one space to paste on another space, which does't work. It's a big trouble for users to organize notes, since you have to decide which space you want your notes in, you have to pre-arrange your areas and category. That doesn't make sense, notes are fluid, the categories principle may change through time. Users need a tool to easily shift notes to desired spaces.
Gene Mar
+1 for Obsidian
Looks like this is an aging request, though.
john hall
This would be an important function but I would think it would first be a requisite and more important to import Capacities object templates for carefully designed object properties. Importing templates would enable use cases where options for properties are considered and would boost acceptance by those who don’t have time or patience for designing objects. This functionality should work hand in hand with object template importing.
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