Bulk import from md and other apps
Steffen Bleher
Upload a zip folder of markdown files to capacities.
- upload as a specific type and use front matter content to determine type and set properties
- upload to a specific space
Maximize data integrity from other apps as best as possible. Requested apps:
- Notion
- Obsidian
- Roam
- Logseq
- RemNote
Supported syntax:
- #hashtag for tags
- front matter properties try to match to properties of type
- tags in front matter
- if front matter specifies a type try to match that to a capacities type
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Nasar Karim
+1 for Roam
Abhimanyu Sharma
+1 for Bear app
Yu-Ruei Wan
+1 for Logseq
Amos Wampler
+1 for Obsidian
Sergei Kl
Tables development doesn't seem to be in further development but we still lack normal import from sheets. In any app I can paste a table copied from Gsheets or Excel.
For example I had a list in a sheet and wanted to copy it to capacities to work further on each point, it just inserts a screenshot - wtf?..
I think good work with table data is a foundation of a good knowledge-base app
anne marie
I hope will be able to upload Capacities files to move notes from one space to another - and I hope that will happen soon, thanks
Senku Ishigami
+1 for Notion;+1 for Obsidian
Aaron Bach
Between this lack and the lack of Readwise integration, I've been unable to do much by way of academic work in Capacities to date. More than a year in as a believer and it seems like I'll probably have to swing back in a couple years.
Pedro iC
to and for Obsidian and notion
Kevin McFarland
Can you include MS OneNote notebook import?
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