I noticed Capacities keeps showing me version conflict modal window again and again, even after I already chose "Keep remote version" it keeps coming back after some seconds. This makes it quite uncomfortable to work with the app.
Suggestion: automatic sync issues resolution when possible.
I guess Reflect app does it in one of the seemingly simple ways: merge by union, meaning if you have one block present in one of the versions but not the other, keep it, and vice versa.
Sometimes you'll end up duplicating content, but most of the time it's going to manage fine. And you're not losing any content anyways, so the user can remove duplicating blocks in those rare cases of "misfiring".
More often than not the sync conflicts occur when you append/insert new blocks to the existing note without realizing that it's not the latest version of the note.
So sync conflict resolution should not have any problems in majority of situations.