Automated local backups of all content
Steffen Bleher
Batch export of all your spaces to a zip folder with text files and media.
Considered formats are:
- markdown
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Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
Backup System Recommendation
Josh Christiane
I don't like that Capacities (and Notion) "email" my backups to me. Having that feature may be useful at times for some individuals, but not as a replacement of a primary backup system. I should be able to backup my library to my desktop or some spot on my hard-drive with one single click, then have the option to do email backup if I so choose.
I like to do quick backups, and with the current email system I have to do many unnecessary clicks to get my zip files to my hard-drive. It feels like an unnecessary workaround. Please ad regular hard-drive single click backup.
Otherwise, I love Capacities, you guys are the best!
Neo 😎
Yes this is must feature
Steffen Bleher
vision assemblies
automated backup will be a huge goodie!
one question – and one proposal in the wings:
• question - just to be sure: backup will be
plain-MD w/o going via zipping
, right? – I would hope, resp vote for that as bringing Capacities files in some automated fashion to the file-system is helpful to necessary to avert work there being siloed or loaded with friction of additional interaction steps
• an
additional proposal / wish
related to this (though I am probably 'late to the party' here :-) ):... I think it would be a good and elegant addition to allow
automated md-export specific to dbs, tags, collections... and to specific folders of the filesystem
. at least this would be helpful on the level of notebooks. this way one can do a targeted integration with one´s other file/folder/PKM-structure.– this would also elegantly make up for the condition that in terms of Capacities not being local first and having no deeplinks per se
(of course all this can be automated on user side to some extent – unzipping, syncing w/ folders. but e.g. ways to sync certain collections, tags etc. with certain existing structures would probably not be possible outside of the app; and I´d vote for taking the load off the user-side here)
Steffen Bleher
vision assemblies: Really great ideas!! Automated backups to the local file system are a big first step. A two-way sync is really hard because our data structure does not 1 to 1 map to markdown, there is information that get's lost.
vision assemblies
Steffen Bleher: oh,... 2-way would be the Rolls-Royce version of my idea. Actually, I only thought of one-way, as I – for myself – anticipate to make Capacities the OP-room and kind of 'source-of-truth'. But of course, systematically, there would still be friction.
I´d see it as a gradient of improvements: #1 global automatic MD-backup into the filesystem; > #2 selective backup into targeted folders / parts of the file-system; > #2 finegrained 2-way sync
– better have #2 as long as #3 is out of range, even if #3 would be 'the real deal' :-D
Steffen Bleher
Backups and exports now also support Wikilinks 👍 David Jaggi
Stefan S.
One followup remark: I see that exports in most apps preserve deeplinks back to the app itself. For full backup, I feel it should be self-contained, i.e., if it's in Markdown, it should link to the other exported Markdown files instead of back to Capacities. (Wikilinks are great for that).
Steffen Bleher
Stefan S.: Thanks for outlining your thoughts. I agree with all of them, especially self-contained linking is crucial. Otherwise, it's worthless and shouldn't be called a backup.
Stefan S.
This is an absolute must. Given how Markdown+wikilinks has become the lingua franca of PKM apps, you should focus on that - so I agree with Sarah. Markdown+CSV would be awesome.
JSON sounds nicer on paper because it's a feature-complete backup but in reality, it's unusable for people who don't want to spend hours scripting to convert JSON to something usable or simply don't know how.
I would like to add that I would prefer local backups instead of Dropbox/Google Drive that she proposed. I guess that would be possible once you have a Mac app.
Sarah Bentley
Please support markdown + CSV to Dropbox/Google Drive. I want to be able to use my backups in Obsidian/Logseq/DevonThink somewhat automatically/seamlessly.
Steffen Bleher