Show date references in 3 day, week, and month view
Martin Miksch
If I have a date property, it only shows up in the day view of the calendar.
It would be great also to see references on the other views (3 days, week, and month) or at least on the page view of a daily note.
Another great addition would be to see a dot beneath the date if there is a reference.
This would make my current workflow more effortless.
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Neil Barman
I would find this very valuable too.
Adam Brown
It would be extremely beneficial to be able too see date references in the 3 day, week and month views. Currently it is a little too easy to miss appointments or meetings I have setup. Thanks
Pablo NP
Yes! I use daily notes very little but date references a lot. It would make a huge improvement to be able to easily see date references in the calendar overview, not as something hidden but actually in a similar hierarchy as daily notes. Additionally it's a pitty one cannot build queries based on date references, but I guess that visualising them in the calendar view is the best solution.
Carlos Petral
The addition of the dot was also requested in But since it's likely the MVP for this request, it may be better to keep it separately open.
Nikolaj Stausbøl
It's almost absurd that this isn't the default. For someone who doesn't use daily notes a lot my calendar is completely empty, but it is in fact full of references, except they don't show up unless I use "Day" view.
Lisa Holenstein
I'd love this. Bonus points if it was filterable or I could get a calendar view for objects with a date property to have a time-related view of that object (e.g., meeting, publishing dates, etc)