New user, first impressions
under review
Rad Goz
[Negative][UX][Page editor] Clicking on "Page" label sends the user to Pages overview unnecessarily
- Sign up as a new user
- Create a test Page
- In the Page editor, click on the "Page" label in the top of the editor
Actual bahevior: I get redirected to Pages overview. (I guess it's because there are no other objects in place yet.)
Expected behavior: When I click on the "Page" label in the editor, I'd expect to have the option to create a new object. Taking me outside of the context of the editor in this case feels off.
[Negative][UX][Signup] The tip/idea yellow boxes look like warnings
- Sign up as a new user
- Notice the signup/onboarding steps
Actual behavior: The signup is broken into introductory pieces ("everything is an object", etc...). There are additional "notes" there, in yellow, addiing more context to each screen. Due to the colorig, they look like warnings. Later in the system, e.g. when I switch a Page entry into a custom object, I'm told that "Some information might get lost" - which is exactly the same yellow I saw during the signup process.
Expected behavior: The signup tips should either use another coloring (e.g. blue is common for informational notes) OR simply incorporate the notes into the screens' existing text
[Positive][UX][Page editor] Stats are a nice touch
- Open the Page editor
- Hover over the "__" to the right from the Page title
Notes: The stats (words, characters, etc.) are a delighter. Easy and practical. I don't fully get the option to edit the create date, but I'm sure you had your reasons.
[Note][Onboarding, post signup] The onboarding is "too much"
- Sign up as a new user
- Land on the "Your first steps with Capacities" page
Actual behavior: I see a long list of things that I'm apparently supposed to do, but I have no time for these. I might watch the first video. Then, I scroll past the whole list - and I see a CTA "Continue to academy", which shows me even more videos I will probably never watch, unless I have a free evening.
Expected behavior: Showing me 1-3 links to ESSENTIAL videos is awesome. But then a checkbox list just screams "we want't you to do it, otherwise these checkbox will remain unchecked forever". Checking off items on a list is pure dopamine, but it has to be MY list. So I scroll past this list (because I have no time for it), and then the CTA is pushing me even deeper into the forest - more videos, more time to learn expected of me that I don't have. To me, a better call-to-action would be asking me to "create my first page" or "create my first object" - just to start getting me going, getting me invested into the tool.
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Luca Joos
under review
Thanks for reporting. We'll look into it.