Media can't be added via share on Android
Sam Yu
I can't add photo from ios and android share menu. It has to go through the app directly to add photo. If added via share, it will stuck on the upload forever.
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Oleksandr Zalishchuk
Michael von Hohnhorst Now I cannot unload a photo, and my existing media is not loading. Tried to reload the app, and to reload the account - didn't help.
Android 14, Capacities version 1.44.30
Please watch screen recording (attached).
Michael von Hohnhorst
Should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting!
Michael von Hohnhorst
in progress
Oleksandr Zalishchuk
This still isn't working for me. ☹️ Not just for media, for anything that I want to share to Capacities via Share menu. Capacities app would just open with no link or media that I shared to it.
I tried reloading the app through settings menu, with no avail.
Watch attached screen recording.
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, Android 14
Capacities version 1.44.16
Thank you
Michael von Hohnhorst
Oleksandr Zalishchuk: Ok, thanks, will look into it on Android again.
Luca Joos
This ticket was resolved with Capacities v1.44.13.
Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Sync failed with PDF created with IOS mobile
Klaus Gudat
Created PDF object with mobile (IOS); title and tags are synced, pdf is not synced
Luca Joos
Did you upload the PDF object via the iOS share functionality?
Klaus Gudat
Luca Joos, yes , I used the iOS share function to upload the pdf object.
Luca Joos
Merged in a post:
Image uploads no longer work from the iOS share sheet
C R Oldham
iOS 18.1, iPhone 14, Capacities v1.43.1. I have a handwritten notebook that I use and I capture images from it to insert into my daily note in Capacities. I use Microsoft Lens on the iPhone to "scan" the notebook page, then tap through to the iOS share sheet and send the image to Capacities. Sometime recently this stopped working, I still get the "upload" tab at the bottom of the screen in Capacities in iOS as a target but when I tap upload I just get a spinner in the upper left corner. After 30 seconds or so it says "this image format is not supported."
I found a workaround, instead of tapping "Capacities" in the share sheet, I can "copy" the image to the iOS clipboard and paste into my daily note. This is almost as convenient, and seems to indicate that the issue is not a malformed image.
Luca Joos
This issue will be fixed with the upcoming update.
Oleksandr Zalishchuk
Luca Joos Great to hear that! Thanks!
Oleksandr Zalishchuk
michael_v_h Please prioritize this bug, as it is very unfortunate that a photo can't but shared to Capacities on Android.
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