Drag-and-Drop for sub-pages in sidebar
Vladyslav Silchuk
You can easily rearrange databases and pinned pages in the left sidebar. It would be cool to also have the ability to rearrange sub-elements of pinned elements, so you can have some sort of spaces and hierarchy, basically behavior as in Notion sidebar. This also applies to the collections.
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Dan Dinh
Up! yes, I'm from Notion over.
Drag and drop is the crucial feature in Notion which makes the app so easy to organise data, not / or + to create page link (graph edge).
As a dev, and from the behaviour of the app, I guess the app is creating the sidebar tree view from the page links inside each page. And drag-and-drop can be an issue: Where to put the link to the new parent (previous page in graph) page.
Removing the link from original holder page of the link can be easy. But the issue said in the paragraph above can be solved by just putting it to top of the new page, because bottom of the page is where contents are changing, and being added, can't add there.
Bottom line: Drag and drop is crucial, convenient, and better UX.