Bulk operations (bulk edit, delete, move, tag, ...)
Steffen Bleher
Database operations like
- bulk actions and operation
- move around in table with keyboard
- create new button at the end
What else?
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Saleill Gahane
BUG - doesnt change anything WHILE RENAMING(via copy paste) SAME LINE IN ALL CAPS TO lower case | in browser | LIKE pastING "something" over "SOMETHING"
Steffen Bleher
Bulk actions are part of the latest release. 🎉
You can read more about it here: https://capacities.io/whats-new/release-32
Kuntal Go
Steffen Bleher THank you so much for this very handy feature. In the Bulk action the MOVE option is not behaving ideally. I have tried for both weblinks and images. When I MULTI SELECT several links or images and move them to new object then they are just COPIED instead of MOVING completely to the new location. They still remain in their original /old location.
I suppose MOVE is not supposed to be this, then there can remain two separate option in the Bulk panel - MOVE , COPY.
Also, Moving only gives option of choosing one entity inside an object or create a new entity and moving all the multi selected to that same entity. But there shoudl also be an option to create separate entity for each of the multi select link/image, etc.
Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
“Copy To” menu option
Justin McDaniel
I would like to see a very simple option on an object’s menu that copies the object reference and then immediately opens up a content search, and allows you to paste the reference into that object. It’s a little quicker and more intuitive than doing all of those steps manually.
Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
Select multiple elements
Pierre PAGES
Allow user to select multiple to select multiple element in an object list. Either using click and drag to create a selection box or checkbox to select. This is a must-have IMO
Aviad Haham
I agree.
Roc Guiducci
Is this still on it's way? Really I'd love to not have to go into each item one by one when I want to delete many items. Bulk delete most important to me here
It's sometimes almost faster to blow away the entire object and start fresh (particularly when things are no longer relevant).
Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
Add a tag to multiple line items on page
Maile Pedersen
Be able to add a tag for each item in a list or each line, by highlighting the items then adding a single tag, then each each item has a tag attached to it.
Mike Robinson
If I'm importing lots of content manually (or in the future via batch import) it would be great if we could
1) Tag multiple items simultaneously, either by a multi select check box (like Notion) or by being able to drag and pull a column selection in table view
2) As above, except for collections.
I'm using Capacities for my work notes and content, and it's painful having to convert my nested OneNote structure into Capacities and tagging each item with an object, tag or collection line by line
Unknown User
Absolutely necessary. An accidental copy&past added a vast list of pictures to a room - and it's way to cumbersome to individidually delete them manually 1 by 1. I thought I would find at least an option in the table view... but was mistaken and thus try to increase the importance of this feature request here now :-)
Michael Pilgrim
Drag and drop
vision assemblies
Michael Pilgrim: adding: would be good to consolidate all the different (splintered!) requests for DnD on this board (search "drag" ;-) – either
(as Michael Pilgrim suggests) – or at least in a separate but consolidated request
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