Outliner mode
David Jaggi
The outliner mode ads a bullet to each block. The blocks can be nested and collapsed. Once you leave into normal mode the nested outlines are converted into nested toggles.
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Joseph Loomis
"Zooming" in to each bullet a la Workflowy would be fantastic!
Steffen Bleher
We added options to the editor which allow you to use Capacities as an outliner! 🚀
It's not 100% feature complete as some outliners allow more options and interactions but a big step in that direction.
You can read more about it here: https://capacities.io/whats-new/release-36
in progress
We'll add a minimal version of an outliner mode.
Lee Doughty
The bullet should open a window of functions similar to the forward slash. I shouldn't need to differentiate between a bullet and a toggle. A simple bullet to control and configure my own layouts and connections.
Damian Morales
If considered, would like this to be optional, similar to Heptabase:
- Activated only when you create a bullet point
- Folding option of a bullet point activates only when it becomes a parent.
Gogi Rogi
Would still love this to happen
Steffen Bleher
Anthony Taglianetti
I came to Capacities from Reflect, and I really like how any block with a bullet can collapse it's contents.
I'm currently using toggles, which work fine, I just find them clunky to look at.
Steffen Bleher
Merged in a post:
Make Toggle the Default for indented lists and headers
Dave G
There are several messages about toggles in the forum and I'm not completely sure if this has been covered but I want to make a request for those of us who use bullets and nested lists a lot. It would be great if the default behavior was to include the toggle on lists and, yes, for headers too. It could be an on/off option in settings. A collapsible list is almost always what I want when outlining and, as it is, I spend way too much time setting the toggle state.
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