Trash bin: A place for recently deleted content
It would be useful to have a dedicated place (Trash/Recently Deleted Database) for recently deleted content. That way, it could be restored, manually deleted permanently or auto-deleted after certain period of time (e.g. after 30 days).
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Steffen Bleher
This is part of the latest release! 🚀 You can read more about it here:
Lauren Kennedy
I am so sad that I misinterpreted a message about deleting a tag in my daily note. I was getting frustrated with trying to delete it because I accidentally kept clicking on it rather than deleting it. Finally I got a message "Your content will be removed here. If you want to delete it completely mark it below." For some reason in my frustrated mind "completely" meant throughout the daily note I was working on, not "everywhere."
However, I did find a way to undo it. I went to an a different note where I knew I previously had the tag. The tag was still there but as underlined words. By clicking on the underlined words ("deleted content" ), I was able to restore the tag. Still, the trash bin would be useful and would have saved me the stress and time.
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Hi Everyone, is there page history functionality?
Patrick Trzcienski
Steffen Bleher
in progress
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Moving from one Object to another
gabriel klingman
I moved 6 notes from one object to another, and instead of moving the notes it just created new notes with the same titles - but had none of the actual content in them. I didn't catch this until after I deleted the original.... So either the updated ability to move from one object to another, or a trash bin to re-access deleted notes would be necessary
Sorry for the issue. When converting objects to another type, the property mapping is very important. Maybe a content/blocks property was not mapped to a property on the new type?
A trash bin is planned and will be added. 👍
Erika Rodriguez
michael_v_h Another vote for trash bin please, I’m so sad about my delete text!
Damian Morales
Steffen Bleher - Any updates on an ETA for this feature request? Thank you!
Alexander Schmedes
This is really needed, potentially losing a lot of work is scary.
Steffen Bleher
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Trash bin?
VJ Iyer
Pretty much what the title says . Having a trash bin would be nice.
Steffen Bleher
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Object went completely missing
Di Sanch
I was editing/writing notes in an object and navigated somewhere else when I finished. Now, that object is completely missing. The object already existed days ago; I was just editing it. The weblinks that were added within the object originally still exist but no backlinks associated. Is there a recently deleted section or some other way I can try to recover it? This is such a bummer as I just signed up as a Believer and was planning to make Capacities my notes app but this makes it difficult to trust, especially if there is no way to recover it.
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